Parallel guide STR 4-22
New productItem #2378833
Replacement parts and optional extras for the cordless threaded rod cutter
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=More flexibility - increase the range of use for the Hilti STR-4 threaded rod cutter with various cutting blade sizes and guides}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_01, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 01}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Simplify routine maintenance and help prolong the tool's lifespan}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_02, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 02}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Select the best blade size for the threaded rod based on threaded rod type}], id=CHA_APPLICATION_01, multiValue=false, name=Application 01}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Easily replace worn parts}], id=CHA_APPLICATION_02, multiValue=false, name=Application 02}